Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hens and roosters

Baby chicks at three days old

This May for my Mom's birthday I brought home nine baby chicks for us to raise and live in the vacant chicken coop that is in the back garden. We have have chickens in the past. Lately we have been missing fresh eggs in the morning so decided to get another batch. 

                                  Chicks at three months old enjoying watermelon, what a treat!

We have three boys, yes three roosters. I have enjoyed waking up to their attempts at cock a doodle doooing but I am not sure how long the three will last in our neighborhood! They are doing a wonderful job at eating all the compost we produce. Stay tuned for fresh eggs, maybe more chicks next spring.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Summer in the garden

Fresh basket of produce picked from my backyard. Featuring orange and purple mini carrots, lettuce, sugar snap peas, zucchini, plums, apricots, blackberries and strawberries! 

First flying saucer squash has been harvested ! It is summertime and my garden is full of delicious fruits and veggies. Everyday I look forward to checking on all my plants and seeing what needs tending to or what needs to be brought inside for dinner! I am looking forward to green and red grapes (just netted to keep the birds away), should be ready to pick in a few weeks!